Statement of Faith

Our motivation is Jesus Christ, for He is central to who we are, and it is through Him that we have life. Our faith and hope summarized in this declaration are not exhaustive, yet present a basis for fellowship and cooperation.

The Bible

The Bible—Old and New Testament—is the inspired Word of God. It was written without error in the original writings and it is the final authority from God. The Bible was written by human authors who were supernaturally inspired by the Holy Spirit.

The Eternal God

There is one God existing co-equally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is eternal; God is the Creator and Ruler of all that exists.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He has existed forever. He was born of a virgin, taking on human flesh, becoming true God and true man. Jesus died for our sins and sacrificed Himself on our behalf so that all who believe in Him are declared “not guilty” by His shed blood.  Jesus rose from the dead and returned to Heaven where He now intercedes for us in Heaven. Someday Jesus will return to earth and He will reign forever as King of Kings.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit convicts men of their sin and their need for Jesus as Savior. The Holy Spirit lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation. He is the Helper, the Teacher and the Guide to every believer so they may know God and live a life that is pleasing to God. The Holy Spirit gives every believer spiritual gifts so they can bring glory to God.


Men and Women were created in God’s image—like Him in nature and character. However, beginning with the first man, Adam, all people have rebelled against God, they have sinned. Because of sin, people have received the judgement of physical and spiritual death and they are separated from God. All men and women need salvation from the judgement of death.


Salvation is a free gift from God; man does not deserve it, and he cannot earn it. Salvation requires repentance, a turning from sin, and one’s own way to God’s way. True salvation comes through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and with salvation comes the promise of eternal life.

The Future 

There will be a resurrection of all people. A wonderful, eternal life in Heaven will be given to all who have trusted Jesus Christ. Judgment and everlasting punishment will come for all who have rejected God’s offer of Salvation.